Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Deportation Class

I had to watch a short doco, The Deportation Class, for a subject today.

It was about the actions taken by a German network, No one is illegal, following the death of Amir Ageeb in 1999. Ageeb was a Sudanese citizen who died on a Lufthansa flight as a result of being ill-treated by three German border guards.

The activists said that they didn't expect society would change any time soon. That made me sad. We've made pheonomenal advances in technology, science, medicine, but spiritually, humanity as a whole is still in the Dark Ages.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The techno dinosaur gives choreography a try...

For our physical theatre class today, we were asked to perform a self-choreographed 3 minute movement piece.

Being completely pov, and somewhat of a techno dinosaur, I do not own an iPod. In fact, I don't even own a stereo that can play CDs. The only CD playing facility that I own is a discman that I inherited from my brother several years ago. This virtually antiquated device cannot play unless it is in the upright position. It has no external speakers, so you have to use a headset.

Imagine how difficult it is to compose a movement piece to a piece of music you're listening to from your discman, all the while trying to hold the said device in the palm of your hand.

In class, I watched graceful classmates from dance backgrounds just make up their movement pieces on the spot. Hmmm... the movement genre I've most consistently trained in is stage combat. I mean, I'm capable of heavy falls without hurting myself and some cool-looking, kick arse wrestling manoeuvres... but somehow I don't think I could have incorporated that into my routine. Shame.