Saturday, November 04, 2006


A relative asked me about Projection today. After I explained to her that the goal was to project the Gospel message through multimedia, she offered to give me $100 towards the project.

I haven't accepted the money yet. Haven't refused it, but haven't accepted it. I almost didn't know how to react, because she's not a Christian and didn't like it when I became a Christian.

Everyone who I've been explaining the project to has reacted surprisingly favourably. I was at a missions conference yesterday, when one girl just thought the whole concept rocked. "How exciting," she said. And I thought it would be an impossible project to explain to anyone...!


Blogger Redhillducks said...

Dear questiontheobvious,

Thanks for the food for thought.

I don't have time to reply to those questions right now, but I thought about them.

I've accepted the money. Thanks again.


5:04 AM  

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